Post by Yul Kwon on Sept 8, 2014 12:35:34 GMT -5
You won't be seeing any funny gifs or hilarious animations or clever meme's here. Shit is getting real and the game is definetely underway. Before I go into that let's backtrack a bit. Last time I did one of these bad boys I told you all about the issues between Kass the Bitch and I. Albeit mild, there were still issues. Ethan did a great job keeping me calm and staying away from her....the keyword in that line is did. Kass the Bitch hit me up Saturday and I had enough.
This bitch had the fuckin audacity to hit ME up and say "stop running my name through the mud please, thanks." Now normally you'd be seeing a WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS type of graphic here, but like I said, it's strictly business this round. The bitch had the nerve to tell meTHAT when in reality she's the QUEEN of that shit. So my reply to her was simple, I told her it was ironic considering she was spreading my name like wildfire.
I called her out on her telling all the girls that I was some sort of social beast although every guy has said the girl they've spoken to the most was Kass the Bitch. Then she spewed even some more garbage. She basically said I spread the word about her, Silas, Spencer, Ethan and Bob Dawg's day one chat. I knew this already because Bob and Ethan had told me but I didn't want her knowing that. When she said that I basically went off on her. I called her stupid, maybe I shouldn't have but really I don't care 2 fucks about her or her feelings. I simply explained to her why that is ridiculous, first of all I'd be targeting myself against all the boys, whom would have easy numbers to get rid of me.....secondly, the girls are obviously in a alliance whether it be 4 or 5 of them. Who would that leave me with? Cliff and JR, yeah...def. Cliff, Yul and JR will take on the entire game...YEAHHHHHH...NO!
I told the stupid bitch how does that make sense. I asked her why would I want her and 4 other boys coming after me cause I spilled the beans about something that doesn't even concern me? She said because I wanted to be in the chat. How the fuck would I want to be in the chat room if I didn't even know aobut it? In addition to that, isn't odd that I even know this took place...WHY? Because every single guy in that chat room told me about it. Sure I heard different variations of it but nonetheless, I heard it from all the guys. After she realized it was stupid she then said "Yul, someone lied to me" this could be real. Maybe another dude from my alliance spread word to a girl and tried to frame me orrrr Kass just assumed it was me since I am the only really active person on AIM outside of the guys that were in that chat room.
So I simply told her again either she was lied to or she's lying and trying to divide the boys, target me or both. She said no and that's the last I've spoken to her. She tried IMing me once with "Hey Yul!" like nothing has happened but fuck that, I ain't talking to her right now...moving forward now that's out of the way.
I had a idea the next challenge would be puzzle based since we're due but I found it odd Brandon or Eric didn't even ask us to sit a person out. I thought to myself the last challenge and the upcoming one is crucial because I felt a swap was looming. I didn't expect to be hit with a blockbuster announcement...A PUZZLE, which I absolutely DREAD and suck at. The top 6 would become a tribe and the bottom 7 would go to tribal and be a tribe, then immediately following that a joint tribal council with the remaining 12 players to bring us to 11. Not the tribal swap I was looking for exactly.
Now I could basically sit back and A. get stuck on a tribe with a bunch of others who sucked at puzzles B. Step up strategically and devise a plan. I didn't want to come out as a strategist this early but I haven't done much in the challenges although I could've so I figure this would be my chance to "lead" and it's how I am pitching this to my 5 guy alliance. My chance to lead us for once.
The plan is for one of our 5 guys (Ethan, myself, Spencer, Silas or Bob Dawg) to get a extremely good score and hopefully win immunity in the joint tribal council while the other 4 of us PLUS Cliff and JR throw the challenge. Now this is going to be tricky on so many levels, firstly we have to make sure everyone agrees to this, secondly we have to make sure we're all around the same time, thirdly we have to HOPE AND PRAY no one leaks this to the girls, if they find out afterward, which it'll be pretty obvious who cares but we don't want to tip them off on our plan and finally we have to make sure we throw it significantly SO that if the girls throw it as well ours is more "thrown" I came up with the time of ONE HOUR. 6 of us will do 1 hour and it's looking like Bob Dawg will be the "ace" as we are calling it to try and get the immunity, his time is about 90 secs which is great.
If things go to plan Bob and 5 girls will be on one tribe and myself and the other 5 boys PLUS a female will be on the bottom tribe. The plan is then to boot the sole woman on our tribe. This will then leave us with 7 boys and 5 girls total. We will then go to joint TC and pray to knock out one more girl. That's the plan. If we have to use rewards and what not then so be it. Really Kass and Mary have good rewards, not sure what Mary has. Gillian has a mutiny chip which is pretty much pointless unless it can be used to tip #s in girls favor somehow. Actually...If Gillian is the bottom chick and in our alliance with 6 guys she'll def. want to mutiny...hmmm...I won't bring that up to anyone at this point and hope no one figures this out either.
So with the #s hopefully we knock out one more girl. At this point we will go to merge up 7 boys to 4 girls OR we'll continue this tribal phase with 6 boys vs 1 guy (prolly Bob) and 4 girls.
IF we are in a tribal phase Bob will be at TOTAL risk being outnumbered 4 to 1 but then we'll have to take other precautions to ensure his safety IF it's merge time then at that point I'll have to replan my route. I don't necessarily feel pagonging the girls at merge is the best route, once we have #s we can do some fine tuning but way to early for all that.
Bob Dawg just informed me he got news from Mary that most of the girls think Silas, Spencer, Bob Dawg and Ethan are the leaders and I am their bitch. I don't mind this at all, please...think I am the bitch. Please think I am the one on the outs and I am the one whose being fooled with. AS LONG AS IT'S NOT TRUE, cause let's be real this is Survivor and I could def be the one whose being used and the other 4 have a final 4 deal or core alliance, but that's gravy..I'll ride that for as long as I can and make the right moves when I see fit. For now let the girls think I am a bitch, regardless if its true or not, no sweat off my back. RC and Taj both told me the girls think Bob Dawg is the leader and Silas is the main competition guy. Again that's all fine for me, less radars on me the better. If the boys are indeed screwing me well then I am a sitting duck anyway and have no choice, but in the event they aren't or at least I have one of two of them on my side well then there is tons of damage left to be done by good ole Yul this game!
At this point Bob Dawg, Cliff, Silas and Ethan are all on board..I suck at puzzles and this ensures my safety through all this mess so hopefully it'll work... This round is crucial the boys stay together for mines and there safety and it also ensures the best possibility of sending home one or even two girls at this double boot.
I will either be ecstatic in a few days or severely screwed in a few days. We'll find out but this round like I said before it's all strictly buisness...let's get it Yuleons!